Where is the Best Place for an Air Purifier

Where is the Best Place for an Air Purifier? In Different Settings

The best location is one that ensures that the air inlet and outlet of the air scrubber are unobstructed. Others should consider the layout of the scene before considering placement.

Proper placement will allow the Air scrubber to be fully functional. If the air scrubber is too close to walls, corners, or furniture, it can lead to severe clogging. This clogging can greatly reduce the efficiency of the unit. Where exactly should you place it? Don't worry, this article will help provide the best places to place air purifiers in different locations.


Why Air Purifier Placement is Important


Air scrubber takes a free-flowing air purifier to draw in polluted air and release clean air evenly. Placing the unit in an open area away from walls or obstacles ensures optimal airflow. If placement is restricted, the purifier's ability to purify can be reduced by up to 30%, resulting in uneven purification and leaving some unfiltered air behind.

An air purifier placed too close to a wall may block the air intake, reducing its ability to filter pollutants such as dust, allergens and volatile organic compounds. Even worse, if the purifier is placed near a heating or cooling vent, it can re-spread contaminated air.

Placement is even more important when dealing with larger spaces such as open-plan offices or living rooms. to the entire room, rendering the purifier useless. A purifier rated for 500 sq. ft. will not work effectively in a 700 sq. ft. room if it is not centrally located.

Air purifiers should be positioned not only for convenience, but also to maximize efficiency, protect health and ensure effective air coverage. Choosing the right location optimizes the performance of the purifier. Improper placement wastes its potential.


Air Purifier Placement


Best Place for Air Purifiers in Commercial and Industrial Settings


When placing air purifiers in commercial and industrial spaces, make specific choices based on the needs of different areas. Also consider air filter performance issues such as CADR, CFM, noise and filtration type.


High-traffic areas


For high-traffic areas, such as lobbies, corridors and open-plan office spaces, where users are often exposed to airborne contaminants, air scrubbers should be placed near the door. If your area is 800 sq.ft, it is recommended that you choose an air scrubber with a capacity greater than or equal to 800 sq.ft or more.Airflow Range (CFM) between 270 and 550. You might want to consider the AlorairScrubber Filteair HEPA 550.


Production and Processing Areas


Production areas typically contain large amounts of dust, chemical fumes, and other particles. In factories that produce heavy machinery, placing air cleaners directly next to welding or cutting stations can capture up to 70% of harmful particles at the source. In addition, installing air cleaners every 25 to 30 feet along the production line ensures complete coverage and reduces the risk of airborne contaminants spreading to neighboring workstations.

We recommend you to use Alorairscrubber's Filteair HEPA S2, he has a working area of 800sq.ft,the price is affordable as long as 594.67usd, if you process the area to buy more than one air scrubber then he is affordable.




Warehouses typically have high ceilings, open spaces and varying degrees of activity. Place purifiers near loading docks, entrances and areas with heavy machinery. Avoid placing air purifiers near high shelves, stacked pallets, or large equipment that could block airflow. The air cleaner should have at least 6 feet of clearance on all sides. Placing purifiers at a height of 5 to 7 feet above the floor ensures that they effectively capture rising dust and particles without being blocked by machinery or stored goods.

In large warehouses, one air purifier may not be enough. For example, if your warehouse is 10,000 square feet and the purifiers treat 2,500 square feet, you'll need at least four purifiers. You can choose between Alorairscrubber's PuriCare S2 UV, which has a size for 2,500 square feet or the HEPA 2000 UVIG, which has a floor area of 3,000 Square Feet.


Break Rooms and Rest Areas


Purifiers should be placed away from food preparation areas, but close enough to eliminate odors and airborne particles. For a facility with 100 employees, placing the air purifier 5 feet from the dining area will minimize exposure to food-related contaminants while keeping the air clean. It is recommended to use an air scrubber with multiple levels of filtration, such as Alorairscrubber's Filteair HEPA S2, which has a 4-stage filtration system and a germicidal UV-C light.


Air Purifiers in Commercial


Best Place for an Air Purifier in the Bedroom


The best place to put your air purifier is in your breathing zone.The closer the device is to your head, the shorter the distance the clean air has to travel to reach you. Here are a few recommendations for placement:


Ideal Placement Near the Bed


Place your air purifier within 6 to 10 feet of your bed, preferably on the side where you spend most of your time. This placement ensures that the air around you stays clean while you sleep. Be sure to avoid placing the purifier directly over the bed or too close to where you rest, as this can create drafts that can interfere with your sleep. The purifier should be at least 3 feet off the floor so that it can effectively capture airborne particles without interference from obstacles such as furniture or bedding.

Avoid Obstacles and Corners


Never place the air purifier in a corner or against a wall. There needs to be some space around the purifier - at least 2 to 4 feet on all sides - to draw air from the room. Corner placement restricts airflow and reduces the purifier's ability to effectively circulate air. Placing the purifier close to a wall will also cause the purifier to recirculate the same air, thus minimizing its coverage. For best performance, make sure there are no large objects blocking the purifier, such as closets, nightstands, or chairs.

Door and Window Considerations


If your bedroom has a window that is open frequently, place the purifier close to the window. This placement allows the purifier to catch pollutants before they spread. Similarly, if the door to your room is often open, placing the purifier close to the door will reduce the amount of pollutants that enter from elsewhere. However, don't place the purifier directly in front of a door or window, as the drafts can cause unfiltered air to bypass the purifier altogether.


Best Place for an Air Purifier in the Bedroom


Best Place to Put Air Purifier in an Apartment


When using air purifiers in an apartment, placement of the purifiers must be well done because the environment is somewhat enclosed, and there should always be proper circulation of fresh air in the whole apartment while at the same time maintaining the quality of the air. 


Living room (Central Area)


The living room is usually the central hub of the apartment and is the peak of air circulation. Make sure placement is 3-5 feet from walls or furniture to ensure optimal airflow. Placing an air purifier here will maximize coverage and ensure clean air reaches all corners.


Bedroom (Sleeping Environment)


Place the air purifier 6-10 feet away from the bed to avoid direct airflow, which can be uncomfortable. If noise is a concern, choose a model with a noise level below 30 decibels for a quiet environment.


Entrance (Pollutant Control)


Placing an air purifier near the entryway will capture dust, pollen and outdoor pollutants before they spread throughout the apartment. Make sure the purifier is at least 3 feet from the door so that it does not block airflow. For apartments with multiple entrances, consider placing a unit near each door.


Best Place to Put Air Purifier in an Apartment


Which Purifier is Best for Commercial and Industrial Use?


Selecting the most suitable air purifier to be used in commercial and industrial buildings is very crucial in the maintenance and controlling of air quality within the buildings. Here are some of the best options:


  • HEPA Air Purifiers: HEPA is an abbreviation for high-efficiency particulate air and is very effective for commercial and industrial applications. They clean surfaces taking away dust and matter that may be as small as 0. 3 microns with 99.97% efficiency and may therefore be applied where dust concentration is high. 
  • Activated Carbon Filters: These are required in production regions where gases, smell, and chemical vapours may be met. Activated carbon filters can effectively remove these pollutants: In this way, they enhance the environment. 
  • UV-C Air Purifiers: UV-C purifiers are good for removing bacteria, viruses, and mold spores, and these air scrubbers for mold can therefore be used especially in hospitals or laboratories. 
  • Industrial-Grade Air Scrubbers: These units are meant for big coverage and a high degree of pollution. It comes with various types of filters, such as HEPA and carbon filters, to allow for high-level air purification. 


AlorairScrubber offers a series of the best air scrubber for maximum versatility and efficiency in commercial and industrial use. It is, therefore, desirable to install these units mid-air and near doors and windows, which would generally let in dust in the house. 


Best for Commercial and Industrial



How often should I replace the filter in my air purifier? 


HEPA filters are usually changed every 6 to 12 months. For instance, if you use the air purifier continuously, you may be required to replace the filter after six months, but if you use the air purifier less frequently, the filter may last for 12 months. 


Can an air purifier help with allergies and asthma?


Yes, HEPA filters capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. For instance, where there are 10,000 pollen particles in your room, with a HEPA filter, the number reduces to about 3,000 due to effectivity in allergy as well as asthma experience. 


Do air purifiers consume a lot of electricity?


The average usage of an air scrubber plus is in the range of 50-100 watts. For instance, a 75-watt air purifier used continuously will consume about $0. 18 a day/$0. 75 per kWh rate), or about $5.40 per month. 


How do I know which air purifier is best for my home?


For a 400 sq. ft. room, the requirement of a purifier is at least CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate). For instance, assume you decide to go for a purifier that has a CADR of 250; it will effectively clean the air in a space of 400 sq. FT Room about five times per hour to ensure that the air in the room is purified. 




Proper positioning of your air purifier is something that has to be done right in order to get the most out of the appliance. It does not matter where you are; whether in a business complex, bedroom, or apartment, following these tips is a sure method of having clean and healthy air in a particular area. One should also know the areas of avoidable blockages and position the activepure air purifier in the correct positions in order to improve indoor air quality.

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